Code Enforcement Software ROI Calculator

Code enforcement software can be a game changer for those agencies still managing cases manually – especially for those agencies that are swamped with case volume and strapped for resources. But in the world of local government, every purchase requires scrutiny, and the two big questions that any decision-maker faces when deciding whether or not to purchase code enforcement software are:

  • How much does code enforcement software cost?

  • How much can code enforcement software save my agency?

Calculating the ROI of Code Enforcement Software

Time is money, and in theory we all know that time saved is money saved – but it’s not always clear how that translates into actual dollars.

To that end, we put together a code enforcement software ROI calculator that helps agencies determine how much time and therefore how much money they could be saving each year with the help of Comcate’s code enforcement software.

To use the calculator, simply input your agency’s stats – average case volume, hourly salary for officers, time spent per case – and the calculator will automatically generate how much savings your agency would be looking at with the assistance of Comcate’s code enforcement software.

(Note: Within the world of code enforcement software, there can be a big difference in time savings between different solutions. Comcate’s code enforcement software ROI calculator is based on a case creation time of 2 minutes – the average time it takes our clients to create a case in Comcate – and may not apply to other software programs in general.)

Schedule a Meeting with Comcate Today!

Learn how Comcate can help make government delivery simple, and offer a modern digital experience to help you increase transparency, efficiency, and performance across your departments. If you have any questions about implementing our software, please fill out the form below or call us directly at (415) 632-1248.

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Justifying the Investment of CRM Software for Local Government


Code Enforcement in Bay County, FL: 10 Years, 3 Cities, 2 Officers & 1 Software Program